Below I have my stats from beginning, middle, and end.
January 1, 2015 Feb. 1, 2015 Feb. 28, 2015
Weight - 122 Weight - 124.2 Weight - 120.0
Bust - 32 Bust - 32 Bust - 32
Waist - 24.5 Waist - 24.75 Waist - 24
Belly Button - 27.75 Belly Button - 28 Belly Button - 27
Hips - 36.5 Hips - 36.5 Hips - 36
Thighs - 18.5 Thighs - 18.5 Thighs - 18
Calves - 13 Calves - 13 L Calf - 12.75 R Calf - 13
Right arm - 11 Right arm - 11 Right arm - 11
Left arm - 10.5 Left arm - 10.5 Left arm - 10.5
Here are my pictures from beginning to middle
Some of you may be asking "What in the world happened?" Why did you gain inches and weight while doing such a hard workout program? Well, I will tell you why..... NUTRITION! Did you know that 80% of weight loss is nutrition? YOU CANNOT WORK OFF A BAD DIET. And that is exactly what happened. I was working out every day and putting my all into it. However, I was eating whatever I wanted. I got derailed. I was eating sweets, pizza, etc. Things that #1 make me gain, #2 don't let my body function the way it should, and #3 that make me moody and not get good sleep. It doesn't matter if you workout like crazy. That is not going to make up for a poor diet.
Here are my pictures from Feb.1 and Feb. 28
What did I change to get these results? Did I workout more? No. I did exactly what I was doing before. I changed my diet. I used the 21 day fix nutrition plan in the last two weeks of the program and that is where I saw the biggest change. You will notice that not only did I lose weight and inches but you can see my muscles better. That is the effect of clean eating.
Here are my pictures from January 1 to Feb. 28
Those are good results for someone my size. I don't need to lose weight and inches. But, I believe if I had stuck with clean eating and portion control that I would have been able to see more muscle definition because I worked HARD! So, the moral of the story is..... Nutrition and Fitness go hand in hand. I have had friends in my challenge groups who have gotten sick or injured and worried immediately that they would gain weight because they couldn't work out. I am here to tell you that that IS NOT TRUE. Nutrition is 80% of weight loss. If you are sick or injured and you stick to clean eating and portion control you will continue to lose while your body is recovering.
Now...with all of that being said I want to share Joey's results! Joey is now at the lowest weight he has ever been since he was a CHILD! How exciting is that?! He is just 14 pounds away from his goal weight. In the past two years he has worked so hard despite working 12 hour days. If anyone has an excuse to not workout it's him. BUT....working out is a PRIORITY to him so he MADE TIME. Here are his Insanity Max 30 results.
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