Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Best Immunity Boosting Foods

The Best Immunity Boosting Foods

One thing I do not have time for is getting sick!  First of all, I am a mom and mom's don't have time to get sick!   Am I right?  Second of all I am an actress in a theater company here in Houston.  That saying, "The show must go on...",  is true!  You cannot cancel an entire show with 400 people coming to see it because one actor gets sick.  The show must go on. So, boosting my family's immune system is monumentally important to me.

Our immune systems get a workout all year long.  This becomes really obvious when our kids go back to school or when temperatures begin to drop and we are all stuck inside our homes and offices with flu and cold germs floating around.  How many people find themselves catching every bug that their kids bring home, or passing around sicknesses at the office?  This makes so many things harder.  We lose productivity at work.  We have to stay home with our kids.  We might have to take time off from work.  We spend money on endless doctors visits.  The best defense against illness is prevention, by maintaining a healthy diet and eating immune boosting foods all year long.


Drink plenty of fluids.  The best fluid to drink, and the one I have the most trouble with, is water.  This keeps the respiratory tract moist and it prevents germs from having a place to enter the body.  You should aim to drink at least HALF of your body weight in ounces of water per day.  So, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should aim to drink 80 ounces of water per day.  It can be difficult to remember to drink water through out the day.  Some things that have helped me is a water accountability partner and alarms on my phone.  Check out some of these ways that will help you get all of your water in for the day.

Protein is also great for your immune system and great for your muscles!  It provides the building blocks necessary for the antibodies to fight off illness.  If you are not getting enough protein in your diet it could leave you more vulnerable to infection.  Protein can come from many foods like meat, eggs, legumes, fish, chicken, nuts and seeds.  You should aim to eat some protein with every meal.

Fruits and veggies also play an important role in fighting off infections and keeping you healthy, full of energy and strong.  Fruits and veggies provide your body with antioxidants. Antioxidants are basically like the military in your body.  They look for anything in your body that looks suspicious and they destroy it.  You should aim to eat as many fruits and veggies as you can.  During cold and flu season it is best to look for fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin C.  Some foods that have high amounts of Vitamin C are kale, red bell peppers, green bell peppers, oranges and chili peppers.  Check out this article for more foods that are high in Vitamin C.

Now, if you or your kids are like most people and cannot seem to get enough veggies in your diet, or are cutting calories and therefore cutting the volume of dense nutrition your body is receiving, Shakeology would be a great option for you.  Shakeology is equivalent to five plates of salad and contains a lot of antioxidants and phytonutrients.  This is a fancy way to say that it keeps you from getting sick!

When people ask me my number one reason for drinking Shakeology I always say it is because of my immune system.  From a young age I got sick A LOT.  I was the kid that had to go to the hospital because I had 104 - 105 fevers.  I remember getting strep throat and tonsillitis constantly.  When my kids were born I caught every single sickness they brought home.  And my kids would get sick every 2 weeks.  I was taking off of work constantly either for me, or because my kids were sick.  Finally, I had to ask to work from home because I just could not get my daughter, Zoey, well!  

The year before I started drinking Shakeology I had the flu which turned into pneumonia.  I got the flu in November and I was still recovering from pneumonia in March!  The coughing had caused my ribs to dislocate.  Shortly after, I got pleurisy!  I felt like I had been sick the entire year.  I had to perform in The Diary of Anne Frank with pneumonia, because again, THE SHOW MUST GO ON.

I started drinking Shakeology in August of 2014.  Since that time I have not had one single MAJOR illness.  In the 2.5 years I have been drinking it I have gotten sick 3 times.  All three of those times were minor colds.  And in the past year alone, I have not gotten sick AT ALL even though I have been surrounded by sick people at work!  In fact, my children have not been sick since April of last year!  Amazing.

Getting sick is so inconvenient and definitely not fun when you are a parent.  You don't get to lay down and rest.  You still have kiddos to take care of.  Also, those doctor bills can rack up when you have a family of 4.  It's much wiser to spend money on quality foods that keep you healthy than wasting it on cold medicines, doctor co-pays and lost time at work.  Make it a goal to boost your immune system year round with healthy foods and then use all that left over sick time and take a fun vacation instead!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Making Fitness Fun for Kids

I was an overweight child.  I was the child who got made fun of.  I was bigger than everyone else.  I was slower than everyone else.  I didn't really like to go outside.  I loved watching television.  I loved seeing stories come to life on TV.    Thinking back on it, the most fun I had, playing as a child, was when I was pretending to be someone else.  Knowing that now, is it any surprise that I grew up to be a professional actress?  Lol!

But being an overweight child at the age of 10 was hard.  Kids can be mean.  I remember the hurtful comments like they were said yesterday and I remember each kid who said the comment.   I cried a lot.  I hated the way I looked a lot.  And as a result, my low self-esteem lead to an eating disorder that I would battle for the rest of my teenage and adult life.

To say I am passionate about childhood health, would be an understatement.  I hurt when I see children who are battling the same thing I battled because I know how they feel on the inside.  I don't ever want my own children to hate themselves.  I look at them, each with their own unique personality and light that they shine and I don't ever want that light to be dampened.   I want them to be full of energy, with strong immune systems and ready to take on the world!

In our house we have come up with some ways to make fitness fun!  No kid wants to go run around a track, or do a "boring" exercise video as my children would say.... So we spice it up at the Watkins house.  Simon Says is one of the many ways we make getting activity in, fun.  I hope you'll try it with your kids.  Not only will your kids get exercise, but they will also get quality time with you.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Why So Much Sugar in Shakeology???

The Sugar in Shakeology
When I am talking to people about Shakeology I often have people ask “Why is there so much sugar?”  Many people have diabetes or are in danger of getting diabetes and they are very concerned about how much sugar they are putting into their body each day and rightfully so!  Some people are just trying to watch how much sugar they are putting into their bodies in general.
There are six grams of sugar in a single serving of Shakeology®.  So, let's talk about that! Why so much sugar?  For a healthy meal that might sound like a lot to you but let’s break down what we are comparing and the type of sugar we are talking about.

An apple has 23 grams of sugar…and, Shakeology® has 6.  What?????  Did you know that?  I did not!
The American Heart Association recommends that women should consume no more than six teaspoons (24 grams) of sugar per day, and no more that nine teaspoons (36 grams) for men.  Four grams of sugar is equal to one teaspoon.
There’s a big difference between the sugar found in Shakeology® and the kind found in things like cookies, donuts and cake.  Refined sugar is different than natural sugar.  Shakeology® does not contain refined sugar.  Shaekology consists of a natural sweetener blend of non-GMO fructose and stevia.  Fructose is a natural sweetener from fruit.  What does non-GMO mean?  Non-GMO means non-genetically modified organisms. GMOs are  created in a laboratory using genetic modification/engineering techniques. For more information about this check out this site: http://non-gmoreport.com/what-is-non-gmo-what-are-genetically-modified-foods/
The fructose found in Shakeology is derived from beets and it has a low glycemic index.  This is different than glucose sucrose (table sugar) or high-fructose corn syrup (chemically altered sugar). The sugar found in Shakeology® is sent directly to the liver for absorption, which minimizes the impact on insulin and blood sugar levels.  Glucose sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup seep through the walls of your intestines and trigger your pancreas to produce insulin.  This creates a temporary "sugar high" to which your body reacts by countering with serotonin which causes you to crash.  Too much insulin also blocks the hunger hormone, leptin, which tells your body it is full.  So, the higher your insulin levels, the hungrier you will feel.  Even if you have just eaten a lot of food.  Has that ever happened to you?  Because I have definitely experienced this.  And I sit there thinking...."how could I possibly be hungry?  I just ate so much food!."  Well, here is my answer!
Try to look for these things when you are looking at your food labels and avoid them: white sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, and ALL artificial sweeteners.  Sweeteners that are ok in moderation are natural sweeteners like stevia, molasses, maple syrup, and raw unfiltered honey.
You may have looked at other shakes that read ZERO sugar.  Be careful!  If that shake doesn't taste like dirt, how do you think they are achieving no sugar?  Check out the label.  You want to look for artificial sweeteners and chemicals.  Look for ingredients like aspartame, splenda, and saccharin.  These ingredients actually increase your appetite, increase your cravings for carbohydrates, stimulate fat storage and cause weight gain.  And these are are just the weight gaining effects.  This does not include the other countless health risks associated with these ingredients.
I encourage you to question the ingredients found in everything you put in your body. Do the research.  Find out what you are consuming and what it can do to and for your body.  This includes Shakeology® 

How to Fight the Symptoms of Aging from the Inside Out

Say what?!!!  How on earth can Shakeology possibly aid with anti-aging???
When you get into your 30's, anti-aging products suddenly come onto your radar.  You start seeing wrinkles where you never saw them before.  Your neck skin might seem a little looser.  Your smile lines and crows feet become more defined.  All of a sudden you catch yourself frowning and then STOP immediately because you don't want those worry and frown lines to get worse!!!! Am I right?  Tell me I am not the only one.  Lol!
There are many skin products out now that place an emphasis on looking younger, getting rid of wrinkles and reducing sun damage.  And while topical products can be very effective, it is also possible to reduce the signs of aging through nutrition!  What you put in your body will reflect in your physical appearance.  The condition of your skin is a direct reflection of how healthy your body is on the inside.
Often times we find ourselves only wanting to improve the things we can see, but consider if you will, slowing ALL of the signs of aging.  I'm talking about improving memory and improving and maintaining muscle and bone strength, too.  Did you know that Shakeology can help with these things?
Shakeology is usually categorized as a nutrition shake that is used for general health or weight loss. It may be used as a meal replacement or a snack, and it is said to be the “healthiest meal of the day.” And, it is — because there is so much it does for your body!
Check out how these ingredients in Shakeology may help ward off the symptoms of aging:
  • Wheat grass: helps prevent gray hair
  • Bilberry: improves vision and fights glaucoma, along with other eye disorders sometimes associated with age
  • Grape seed: stimulates hair growth, which sometimes diminishes with age AND stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in skin, which reduces wrinkles
  • Green tea: improves overall skin health
  • Pomegranate: improves bone mass, which often is a problem with advanced age
  • Rose hips: nourishes skin and heals blemishes
  • Biotin: improves the health of hair, skin and nails
  • Chlorella: supports healthy, youthful skin
  • Citric acid: protects skin
  • Folic acid: folic acid deficiency is known to cause gray hair production
  • Cocoa: antioxidant for skin
  • Goji berry: stimulates memory
  • Vitamin B5: reduces the signs of aging and diminishes the production of gray hair
  • Schisandra: prevents aging
  • Riboflavin: includes anti-aging properties
  • Vitamin C: repairs and firms skin
  • Vitamin E: stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to fight off wrinkles and reduce their appearance
  • Acerola cherry: stimulates the production of collagen to fight wrinkles AND helps build strong teeth (I’ve never had a cavity)
The ingredients in Shakeology help to make you healthier and fight off the signs of getting older. The protein and amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, prebiotics and digestive enzymes help you have more energy and slow the aging process.  Many ingredients in Shakeology fight free radicals, which are known to cause cancer and speed up the symptoms of age.
Will Shakeology make you look instantly younger?  No.  But consistent use will help your body start fighting age from the inside out.  With a healthier diet and exercise you will definitely feel younger and have more energy.  Shakeology consists of superfoods that will give you the best chance possible of fighting off age and its impacts from the inside out. The healthier you make your body on the inside, the more beautiful and healthy it will glow on the outside.
I am confident about this because I have seen myself what healthy living has done for me.   Just look at the difference.  I look and FEEL like a completely different person.

Want to try Shakeology?  CLICK HERE!

Monday, March 6, 2017

It's Not Just About the Gut - Probiotics

Everywhere you turn in the health community you hear the word Probiotics when it comes to healthy living.  The first time I heard about probiotics was when my children were born. Both children had tummy trouble when they were babies and toddlers and my pediatrician recommended probiotics.  I did what I was told without ever really knowing what probiotics did.
As I did some research I was surprised that probiotics don't just affect the gut!  It affects your brain function!
Did you know there are over 500 different types of bacteria in our gut?  Some of the bacteria is good bacteria and some bad.  The good bacteria helps your digestion, increases your immunity and can fight off illness.  The bad bacteria inhibits the good and can lead to illness, such as diarrhea, IBS and other GI problems.  This is what what happening to my children.
If there is more bad bacteria than good in our bodies, our health may suffer.  On the flip side, the good bacteria help our immune systems by releasing more white blood cells to attack the bad.  The two types of bacteria are always fighting against each other.  To find a good balance, you need to have slightly more good bacteria than bad.  The best way to achieve balance is to eat foods like yogurt, fermented cabbage, soft raw cheese and other fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement.
However, probiotics aren’t the only thing you have to consider for good health.  They work together with prebiotics found in fruits and veggies.  The prebiotics give the probiotics something to eat in the gut. If you are lacking both prebiotics and probiotics in your diet, your system will be off balance.
Some studies say that probiotics will help with weight loss.  However, that will depend greatly on what you feed your body!  The good bacteria can only flourish in a diet with low saturated fats, fruits and veggies.  This will help the probiotics multiply and aid with weight loss.
Some researchers are now starting to make a connection between our guts and brain function.  This is fascinating to me since before I started my healthy lifestyle, I suffered with major depression and anxiety.  If you suffer with depression you have probably heard the word serotonin.  Serotonin is a chemical that your nerve cells produce that help you to think clearly and feel happy.  Did you know that 95% percent of your serotonin comes from your gut bacteria?  I did not until now!  It wasn't until I started eating clean that my body started to feel at peace again.  I am now off all medications for anxiety and depression and this is just another piece of the puzzle that explains WHY.
If you’re considering adding probiotics to your routine, they can be found in the fermented foods that I listed or in supplements.  Shakeology is another great source with a mix of pro and prebiotics, including Yacon Root, Chicory Root and Bacillus Coagulans.

Yacon Root

Yacon Root is a perennial plant, grown and cultivated for its tuberous roots. It’s a vegetable that is often thought to be a fruit. It’s benefits include the ability to lower LDL cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels, assist with weight loss, and strengthen the immune system.

Chicory Root

This woody herbaceous plant offers a wide array of health benefits. It is said to prevent heartburn, boost the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, and prevent bacterial infections. It also has natural sedative properties and can protect against kidney stones.

Bacillus Coaglans

Bacillus Coaglans is a beneficial probiotic bacterium that helps treat IBS, boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the common cold.

Friday, March 3, 2017

What the Heck is an Adaptogen and Why do I Need it?

Often times our lives lead to stress and fatigue and that leaves us reaching for things like caffeine and sugar. Both of these give us a quick burst of energy but they also lead to a quick CRASH. Then we start the cycle over again. A healthier approach is to use ADAPTOGENS which are a mix of herbs that work with your body to help your body adapt to stress and fatigue.
Most of the herbs and fungi that qualify as adaptogens grow in higher elevations with thinning oxygen and rocky soil. They have had to adjust to less than optimal growing conditions allowing them to become nutrient dense. It is this dense concentration of nutrients that improve the function of the adrenal system, which is tasked with the responsibility of managing your body’s hormonal reaction to stress, fatigue and anxiety.
Adaptogens can help you to manage stress and anxiety more evenly without the quick burst of energy or crashes you may experience with sugar and caffeine. They are named adaptogens because of their ability to adapt their role to the needs of the body. It does take some time to reap their benefits, but in the end, they are a better option.
Adaptogens seem to be able to regulate the body in much the same way a thermostat regulates room temperature. When the body needs a boost of energy, they are there to supply it without the highs and lows that come with stimulants. They keep the body in harmony and balance the adrenal system, while helping it to respond to the negative effects of stress.
If you are considering adding adaptogens to your routine, consider that all the adaptogens your body needs are found in Shakeology.
Maca Root
This rare and powerful member of the radish family boasts over 60 phytonutrients. Each of them helps to increase energy, and endurance. They promote memory, learning and improve mental ability. It also helps to strengthen the endocrine system, and may improve libido.
Holistic practitioners have used this herb for centuries for its known ability to support a healthy immune system, improve cognitive functions, fight off stress and better your mood. It also balances blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and helps with brain cell regeneration. This multifunctional herb helps the body’s natural anti-inflammatory response too.
The use of this Chinese herb dates backs almost 2 centuries when it was first discovered to aid in healing and the promotion of a stronger immune system. It helps the body to achieve ideal energy levels to improve physical endurance and performance. It also helps to achieve perfect blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
This herb aids in the maintenance of a healthy immune system while protecting the body from physical, mental and emotional stress. Its high levels of antioxidants aid against damage caused by free radicals. Its nutrients help, especially during the winter months, to protect the immune and respiratory systems.
Maitake Mushrooms
This large mushroom grows in Japan, North America and Europe. It is highly prized for its medicinal benefits, which include helping to lower cholesterol, improving blood sugar as well as treating and preventing cancer.
This is another fungi that has been used in herbal medicine for centuries. It’s benefits include the ability to aid in respiratory health, increase oxygen uptake, improve heart health, slow the aging process, detoxify the body, and increase energy. It may also prevent some cancers.
Reishi Mushrooms
These are one of the most popular edible mushrooms in the world. They have been widely used in eastern medicine for thousands of years. They only recently came to the attention of the Western world. They have amazing health benefits including the ability to reduce blood pressure, rid the body of inflammation, improve cognitive ability, boost energy and slow the aging process.
This is amazing information. Our nutrition plays the most IMPORTANT role in keeping us healthy!